Dedicated to the memory of Stephen Rippington

Where to start. I think Steve showed how amazing he was throughout his life but none more so since he was diagnosed. He accepted it stoically and then used his voice as a way of spreading awareness. I have never been prouder.

He has always been the most fun, intelligent and caring person I knew.

He always threw himself into everything he did, whether it was creating a den for the children or writing a complex scientific report.

He was the most amazing dad to Arthur and Ivy. He wrote them stories and took them all kinds of adventures. From canoeing and climbing mountains, to doing all the voices when reading Harry Potter.

We also used to joke that we were lucky to have found each other because no one else would have us. In reality I was lucky to have every second of the 17 years (13 married) that I had with him.

Please use this page to share stories and photos. I would love to create a book for Arthur and Ivy so that they can always remember their incredible daddy. 


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I got to know Steve when we were both PhD students at Leicester. I always thoroughly enjoyed his company; gaming invites to the house (even though I was always rubbish and they all had their own gaming set ups in their rooms), crazy themed parties, rock nights out at the union, etc. Always brilliant fun and a very considerate guy with it. My favourite memory of Steve is him creating a one-person barrier on the dance floor in Leicester’s student Union to look for his glasses. Not just once, every time we went, but he never stopped throwing his moves! After Uni, we kept in sporadic contact via LinkedIn and I’ve always followed his updates. Following his diagnosis I have been in awe of his posts; honesty, serious messages, all delivered with good humour and that smile. His bravery has been unbelievable and I’m sure he has already helped so many people, including me, to understand bowel cancer risks.
Dave Cornwell
11th June 2024
I have known Steve for a number of years, since he joined us at Iconiq Innovation. During his time, Steve proved to be both a highly valued employee, but also a great person to work with. Always enthusiastic and friendly, Steve not only delivered his own work above and beyond what was required, but always offering support and help for others around him. In spite of the massive blow of being diagnosed with cancer two years ago, Steve showed a huge strength of character, refusing to let this get him down. Steve was obviously very proud and loving of his family and my thoughts and prayers are with them at this time. Steve will be greatly missed by me and the team at Iconiq, it just won’t be the same without him.
4th June 2024
I had the privilege to work with Steve over an all-too-short two years at Iconiq. We met in person only once, the rest of our many interactions being via web calls but I could always feel his energy and enthusiasm across the ether. His fortitude in the face of the challenges to him and his family was an inspiration and through it all he was intent on supporting colleagues and customers. I've met a small number of people through my now lengthy life who leave an indelible impression and Steve is right up there as being someone I will remember for all my days as an inspiration.
Chris Hare
5th June 2024
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